So sorry I've taken so long to write this new post but I'm a bit of an avoider when it comes to new changes, I'm a bit of a control freak.
So today I thought I'd tell you abut the treatments I've done in the past and the treatment I am about to start all the way in America! Freaky stuff right?! First off I want to say that this is not an index of what works and what doesn't, just because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it doesn't work at all, and I hope if you're endevouring in any of the treaments I talk about that they're successful for you :)
So at the beginning of my journey with illness I went to a few different natruopaths, I totally believe in natural therapies and that they can totally work but in my case these treatments were for symptoms and not the route cause which didn't work out for me.
After a few months of natruopaths, we saught out a CFS specialist to find out if that was what I had and if he thought he could help me. Don was very helpful and there was a definate improvment in my symptoms after the treatment plan he gave me but after a while I wanted to go somewhere else as I never believed I had CFS. But the treatment involved daily B12 injections, drugs for orthostatic intolerance, vitamin D, an electrolyte replacement, probiotics and other changing minerals and vitamins throughout the treatment. I was also on a very restricted diet of no fructose, dairy or gluten and also organic. I stuck to this diet pretty much throughout the six years I've been unwell.
After this treatment I didn't recieve any treatment for about a little less than a year until I became much worse after a pretty horrible year for me emotionally. It was then I found an out patient program run from a hospital not too far away that ran for 8 weeks and consisted of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy combined with a graded exercise program.
After that I went to a different doctor who worked along side a natruopath. With them I started a regime of homeopathic doses of antibiotics another strict diet and again ever changing vitimins. I did this for about 9 months.
Then I went back to the CFS doctor and started the same treatment as before, and it was around this time I was tested for Lyme disease and we began searching for treatments that have had good results for others.
I went to a doctor of Chinese medicine who treated me with vitamin C, glutathione, B12, and heaps of other things and this treatment worked pretty well for me, I went through a detox and we aimed to prepare my body for the trip ahead.
So this is where we come to the America thing! The treatment I'll be going through is specific to me but I'll try and give you a general overview. It is 95% natural treatment and 5% antibiotics, I'll do genitic tests aswell as other tests and will then begin treatment. I'll be having an IV drip twice a day that is actually a proprietary blend. This treatment has a 93% success rate or something like that so I'm so hoping I'll be a part of that statistic!
So yeah that's what I've done in the past and what I hope will work for me in the very near future.