I get into a bit of my back story I would just like to say thank you to
anyone reading this. I hope it helps you and if you're suffering from
lyme (or any other 'invisible illness') you're not alone and if you just
want to know a bit more, thank you for that too. If I can help one
person I would be honoured... And if
this only helps me, well... That's cool too!
So a breif overview of my story.
Five years ago I was just an unassuming, full of energy, never been sick young teen, until I was hit with a bug that would just not quit. Before this point I had never been to a doctors and I'd always lived a heathly organic lifestyle (thanks mum!) and then i became very sick very quickly with what doctors told me must have been Glandula fever and another virus of very similar nature, (even though these viruses didn't show up as active in my system at the time) and then six months later there had been no change for the better, only the worse. My mum has a beautiful friend Wendy who suffers from Cronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and she noticed a lot of the same symptoms in me that she saw in her. So in 2009, the year after I first became sick, I was diagnosed with Cronic Fatigue Syndrome. 2008 and 2009 were all a bit the same, I was mostly unable to sleep, couldn't consentrate in school and was going through a never ending series of doctors appointments. 2010 some of my symptoms improved and then 2011 was the start of the worst three years of my life health wise. I began a program for the treatment of CFS that made me so much worse (not blaming the program, just didn't work for me) and then i progressively became worse and worse. I kept bugging my parents and doctors to keep testing me for other things, apart from my CFS specialists I haven't had any other doctors believe that I was sick at all. Either i was making it up or my poor mum had Munchausen syndrome by proxy. During these past three years I was also diagnosed with pretty bad anxiety problems and Fibromyalgia. I still insisted on being tested for more things as I never believed I had CFS. Then finally this year (only a few months ago) was I tested for and diagnosed with Lyme disease. This unfortunately is not recognised as being in Australia and I have not been to another country since I was 8 and I was definately not bitten then. So I've had doctors tell me it isn't true, of course I don't have Lyme (this said while they hold the blood test results saying otherwise in their hand) but that's fine, I know the truth. Unfortunately I have to live with it.
So that's a general outlook on my background. I'll delve into different things as I go and I hope you join me on my journey and I can encourage you on your own.
You may feel isolated and like you're fighting alone, but hey.. I'm here too :)
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